So What Do We Believe at Tri-County Baptist Church?
*We Believe in the Verbal Inspiration and Authority of the Scriptures.
*We Believe that the Bible Reveals God, the Fall of Man, the Way of Salvation and God's Plan and Purpose in the Ages.
*We Believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
*We Believe in the Deity and the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ.
*We Believe that Salvation is "By Grace" Plus Nothing and Minus Nothing. The Conditions of Salvation are Repentance and Faith.
*We Believe that Men are Justified by Faith Alone and are Accounted Righteous Before God Only Through the Merit of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
*We Believe in the Visible, Personal and Pre-Millennial Return of Jesus Christ.
*We Believe in the Everlasting Conscious Blessedness of the Saved and the Everlasting Conscious Punishment of the Lost.