About Trew Natural Spring Water Company The Trew Natural Spring Water Company is located on their family property just off of Road 788 in McMinn County of Eastern Tennessee. Water from this spring and the watercress growing in it have been enjoyed by the family and community at large since prior to 1932. The cold spring water comes from a large underground aquifer and flows out from under a huge rock formation. Over the years the spring water was pumped from the base of this rock formation to the family home for personal use. Nowadays to ensure the protection of our bottled spring water, the underground spring is accessed using a bore hole located up the hill from where the spring originates and pumped to our bottling facility. Our water is naturally pure so harmful chemicals are not needed to treat it and the beneficial minerals have not been stripped from it. Our water has a natural PH value of 7.1 so it does not have to be tampered with to ensure this value.