I attended Tree of Life for high school. Given my experience, I would never send my child there.
There is a definite split in the school - people who belong to the denomination that sponsers the school (Church of Christ), and everyone else. I was in the "everyone else" group, and it was a noticeable difference. There was definite pressure to conform to the beliefs of the Church of Christ. While I personally was never one to give in to peer pressure, it still made me uncomfortable nonetheless.
Another downside is that they only offered 2 AP classes at the time, and these classes took place at the exact same time. That meant that you could only take one AP class, even if you wanted to take two. Also, unlike other schools, taking an AP course does not increase your GPA. That means that you are not on an even playing field since most other schools do go above 4.0 to account for AP classes. That is the kind of thing that makes a difference when you're applying for college. How can I compete against people who can earn a 4.5 when my school won't go above 4.0?
I made a lot of great friends at Tree, so I don't necessarily regret my time there. I just feel that high school is difficult enough without having to feel pressure from your teachers about very specific facets of Christianity.