I would say as a personal exsperience to be very wary of the Treen of Life Ministries in Orlando florida run by Pastor Estor Lois washington. I found out the bhard way after having exsperience the first female in the house Janeen Ammon Stealing from a house across the street of 5222 chesapeake Ave and reporting it immediately to Mrs Washington at which time she came and caught Janeen in the garage going through these items then held a meeting with three three of us in the house at the time to tell us to forget about it and give this woman another chance in a so called no tolerance program. In had a problem with that and went to see my so called laison / social worker at the VA who promised to take care of it and basically did nothing. I have within 2 day of this taking place on the 19th of june contacted the police, Marc Rubio, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and the Director of Woman Veterans to include a phone and message left to Peter Dougherty. nothing has been done other than the fact I have been put out for so called missing a 12 step meeting at her church for which I have no substance abuse issues and already was given reason to not trust this womans judgement.All this has resulted in this woman stealing my clothing and lieing to the police about throwing my things away seeing as I saw my lamp in the house threw the window and was already told by one of the other woman in the house that my coffee pot was in the kitchen.I was told by Lisa Nalepa that Pastor Washington placed all of my things in her van on Monday and yet when I called her on Tuesday to inquire about my things she told me she did not want to argue and how she gave me every opportunity and hung up without telling me where myb things are. I had a red and black back pack, Sleeping bag,Black leather duffle bag, red and black duffle bag and Army green duffle bag,hoover bagless vacuum cleaner, camoflage rain suit pants and jacket, yellow rain suit pants and jacket, a cream color Jones New York suit3 piece with pants skirt and blazer, a trenchcoat, 2 black blouses with designs hanging in the closet. My medication was also in a security box which is now missing and i cannot keep up to my medicine cycles.this was supposed to be a blessing and instead it turned into a nightmare because i reported a thief that she wanted to protect.So now the only minority in the hose that was actually paying this woman and bringing in to share her creature comforts has been stolen from by the Pastor Ester lois Washington. Justice is going to be done. I will contact everyone I have to . To include the local and National news to exspose this woman for the fraud she is. After all why accept my little $200.00 a months when Uncle Sam is paying you over $30.00 daiy for each female in the house who is not working. So ,please be careful in trusting or donating to this woman, She is not want she tries to appear to be. I never thought I would exsperience such abuse and Neglect at the hands of an overbearing,