Bathrooms tiny. Carpets dirty. A/C units blow stanky air. Missing screens. No security on entrances. Garbage piled up outside door. Pets barking; by the way any room is a pet room if they get money for it. Unresponsive to safety concerns like the security door and slippery tubs, teetering heavy safes not connected (or operational) to stand or wall. Dated 'art' and bedding/curtains. Spoiled milk served in a sour thermos on breakfast bar. Commented to both onsite management and Wyndham hotels, and Wyndham basically gave us the address of the Travelodge and told us to contact the owner. This is disconcerting as I have worked for a Carlson Company responding to guest comments and concerns. I always made it right with the guest. We will never go back, nor will we ever recommend this property to anyone, friend or foe.