My daughter's birthday always lands a few weeks before Christmas each year. I sometimes have a hard time getting her the gift she wants due to the Christmas rush. This store had a Barbie playhouse advertised for $50 off and I rushed over to purchase one.
Sadly, they were sold out. The Christmas rush had already hit. The manager called around to the other stores in the area and they were also sold out. The only one available was the demo house outside the store.
The manager offered me the demo for $100 off. I was thrilled, but soon realized that my car was too small to hold all the different pieces.
The manager knew how much this gift meant to me and offered to personally deliver the remaining playhouse pieces to my home that night. Going completely out of his way, the manager delivered the remaining pieces and my daughter had her best birthday ever!
I would recommended such personal customer service found at this store to anybody and everybody who will listen. The items may be a little more expensive than the all-in-one stores offer, but the customer service can not be beat.