Yesterday, someone from your dealership (I do not remember her name) called me to see if I had an interest in trading our 2006 Corolla. I told her we were not yet in the market for a new car. I went on to explain that even though our Corolla is about four and a half years old, it only has 25,000 miles, it practically lives in the garage, and it still looks new. However, I also told her that we held your dealership in high esteem, primarily due to your response in handling the Powertrain Control Module failure we endured in May 2009. It was a disappointing experience initially, but you handled the situation very well. Furthermore, I told her we received a survey from J.D. Power requesting feedback on how we thought you resolved that problem. When I filled out the survey I gave you top marks in every category, specifically mentioning Ross who impressed us as being a thorough, thoughtful, and caring person. Before returning the survey to J.D. Power I made a copy of it and sent it to your dealership along with the enclosed letter, addressed generically to "Dealer Principal" because I didn't know that person's name. The person who called me asked if I could resend that letter to your attention.