My dog has a history of invasive lipomas. In 2010 we had 2 surgeries on her back leg to remove a fairly difficult one. The first surgery was at our old vet who opened her up, said it was "beyond the scope of what they could do", & 10 days later we ended up going to an Oncologist to perform the 2nd successful surgery. So, I know how an invasive lipoma can be wrapped up in the muscle, be very difficult to remove & in my experience, should be handled by a specialist. Our dog had major reactions to the pain medications, steroids & had a suture reaction during this time, too. So on top of the two surgeries, we had multiple ER visits to deal with all the side effects of the 2 surgeries. So if I hear "invasive lipoma" my instinct is to go straight to the specialist. \r
We've been going to Town & Country for a little over a year & had been keeping a close eye on all our dog's lumps & bumps with the help of Dr. Ashford. On a visit in July 2012, we took our dog in for a bump check. Dr.