I don't have any children, my two goldens are my babies. I've tried a few local places with lackluster results. Nothing tragic, but just not great. Anyway, I now bring them to Toureen. They go on Riverwalks, and also get playtimes. They are always happy to go in, the grooming is always great, and I have seen the same person running the place for the past 4 years. (I know he has been running it longer than that, 50+yrs, but I have only been using them for 4 years.) I drop of bedding, toys, special food, and medications with my dogs and nothing has ever been incorrect. No lost toys, I always get clean bedding back, and the meds are administered properly. The biggest standout is that they know my dogs' names. As soon as we walk through the door,\r
I let the leashes go and they run right in the back. A very safe place, with a caring staff.