Of the three yarn stores in Omaha, this is probably the smallest of all. It's located in a great little district not too far from downtown, and if there are three or four people inside, it's good and crowded.
That said, I really, really like this store. They carry an amazing variety of Brown Sheep Company wools from sock yarns to giant bulky ones, and books that I couldn't find -anywhere- else. (Like Unexpected Knitting, for which I was on a quest for at least three months until I found it there on Glenda's shelves.)
In addition to the Brown Sheep wools, Touche' has a small, but exquisite collection of novelty yarns that can really inspire you to whip up a great scarf on those days when you're not sure you want to.
The owner is a wonderful, friendly woman (always a plus!), who can help you with just about any questions you might have, and the store dog is just plain adorable. Yarn and a store dog? What more could you ask for?