First off Stormy is a nice guy. Stormy seems knowledgeable about cars. My problem is Stormy is not the person working on your car. I have several complaints about this shop. Complaint Number 1. After having my car worked on, it started running funny, it would idle funny and stall. I called Stormy and told him that my car was running funny and it sounds like a injector or clogged fuel line. He said right away he knows what the problem is and to bring it in and he would fix it for $130.00 dollars. I decided to take a closer look at the engine. I noticed a sensor hose that was not properly plugged in. The car ran great after I correctly plugged it in. I just saved $130.00. Complaint #2. Two weeks later I had my spark plugs changed from another mechanic who noticed that bolts were lose and that I was missing two bolts from the air intake that was taken off to do the work on my car by Stormy""s mechanic. Stormy's mechanic did not secure or check to make sure all bolts and plugs, sensors were plugged in firmly. Complaint #3. My car was not finished in the time Storm'y said it would be done in. That caused me to spend more money on a car rental by two days. Complain #4. The saving by taking my car to Performance Edge instead of the dealer was not worth it, we are talking a 5 to 10 dollar price savings. Toyota dealers service departments have come a long was these days. Dealer service centers are fast, comfortable waiting rooms with free WiFi, separate waiting rooms for kids, free shuttle service, free Starbucks coffee and they always wash your car for free. They are also usually done with major work the same day. Complaint #5. If your check engine light comes on the Toyota dealer will run a scanner for free to pull the code. Performance edge charges $75 dollars to pull the code. I just saved $75.00 dollars. My advice if you have a Toyota take it to Toyota Carlsbad service center they do good work and if it cost more its worth it in the long run.