Offering physical therapy and physical therapists services.
*Accepted insurances Only: U.H.C., BC/BS (ppo), Empire plan, G.H.I, Medicare, Aetna, 1199, Oxford, Workers Compensation, no fault ** No Medicaids **
Our goal is help patients get back to a pain free lifestyle as quickly and comfortably as possible. At Total Medical every patient is evaluated by a board certified specialist including medical doctors, physical therapists and medical acupuncturists. This multi-disciplined approach helps ensure that each patient receives the most appropriate and best quality of care possible.
We have a state of the art facility with the most technologically advanced equipment including electric muscle stimulation, ultrasound, paraffin bath, wobble boards, physio-balls, theraband, and much more. Our facility is equipped with range of motion/functional testing and Emg/Ncv testing (nerve studies).
Start Living a Happier and Healthier Life