I must concur with the previous two reviewers. I chose T.C. last year and they were Johnny-on-the-Spot! Treated my lawn, looked great until the last application of the season. I came back from business travel only to find my lawn looking burned and dying. By the end of the mowing season, approximately 25% of the turf was dead; it looked dreadful. The start of this season, it looked the same, but was s-l-o-w-l-y coming back and filling in. I renewed my contract with them (and paid for a full season of service in January - four applications). By the last week of May, they still had not performed the first ""early spring"" application. I had to call and ask ""when?"" and was told they had all ready been in my neighborhood, but lo and behold, they were out there the very next day. About 4-5 days after that application, the ""weak"" patches started dying and have been dying ever since. After the second application at the end of June - ie., ""late spring"" & again in which I had to call to inquire when - the troubled patches become nothing more than dead brown turf. I called prior to going on vacation and left a message letting them know how unhappy I was. I just got back only to find the dead patches have gotten larger. However, someone did come out and left a ""consultation"" to state I created the problem: mower stress -mowing too often, mowing to short, poor irrigation coverage, inconsistent watering. They noted the brown spots ""should recover with time"".
One month, one year, two years? After I spend more money to fix the problem? I haven't touched my lawn for two weeks and the dead patches are only getting larger, 40% of my front yard is dead. They also left a flyer stating they would be more than happy to have their outfit come and check and adjust my sprinkler system. I've lived here nearly 10 years and did not have any sort of problem like this until T.C. started treating my yard. Find somebody else, so far from their actions, they're just in it for the money.