Dr. Choi was my first dentist I had after I moved to California. He was nice and I liked him. But, when he told me that I needed to change 4 fillings, I was puzzled because when I saw my previous dentist last time, which was within 6 months, he xrayed my teethes and told me all my teethes looked fine. The fillings are from many years ago, but I've been seeing a dentist at least once 6 months or a year since I was little, and all of a sudden, I was told to change 4 fillings. (You shouldn't change fillings too often because every time they change them, your original teethes are drilled and the holes get bigger and bigger and you'll need to have fake teethes when the holes get too wide to be drilled once more.) So after consulting my husband, I wanted to get a second opinion from another dentist (she has very good reviews online) whether I really needed to change the other two fillings and also wanted to get a second quote for Invisalign (I got a quote from Dr. Choi too. And at that time, I was planning to come back to him if what he said was correct and the quote he gave me was better than other dentists'.) But when I called his office and explained to the assistant that I'd like to get my xray because I needed it to see some other dentist. Then she said fast, ""You need to come to the office to talk about the braces."" AND SHE HANG UP ON ME BEFORE I SPOKE A WORD. Don't know why she picked up on me, but ISN'T SHE SO UNPROFESSIONAL?? I called her again and told her that I already got a quote from Dr. Choi and would like to have a second quote from a different dentist and also would like to make sure that I really needed to change fillings. Then she said, ""That's fine, if you want to change your dentist. But it takes 7 to 10 days to get the process done. And you need to pay $25."" I told the new dentist's assistant that I would take 7 to 10 days to get my xray, then she was really surprised and said it was not normal. There are more to talk about, but I'll stop here.