Had chronic prob w/drain plugging every couple yrs. Grew up in home building/appliance biz and worked as plumber/elect/carpenter/repairman, so very knowledgeable and alway do my own remodeling & repairs work on my home. Am EXTREMELY particular about quality of work and nearly every time I've had to use a contractor it was a disaster. Would have snaked this myself but had hip replacement two weeks ago and wife wouldn't let me touch it, insisted we call someone (smart wife in the end!) She heard Moffett ad on Christian radio and convinced me to give it a shot. She called them and laid it out clearly what my expectations would be for anyone sent to this job.
Chris Pelayo showed up within the given 2hr time range, and calling with updates several times. Good communications was a good start as far as impressing me. He showed up clean, professional, and cheery. I knew the problem thoroughly, told him my background, and he listen seriously and then went to work. I found Chris to be a very pleasant young man, both knowledgeable and good at what he doesn't, trustworthy, and compassionate. From uniform to truck to paperwork and close-out, it was all extremely clean and professional all the way (something sadly you don't see much of in the world today). Reminded me of the quality of customer interface and service my family drilled into us in our family business and that we were legendary across the Midwest for. He came in, listened, explained, did his job, took whatever time was required for the job or to talk with me, and I never had any sense of anything short of professionalism. As a business man myself, this is the kind of person I would hire into a leadership position immediately---these are the kind of people I want out there representing my business and brand name, because in the end these are the people that shape the community's perception of my business. I hope you are taking good care of Chris in terms of pay and growth opportunities---he deserves to be rewarded for his dedication!