I strongly agree with the last review posted. This individual is not fit to be working with the public let alone playing on the tennis court with decent good men. His attitude is always like that when he is losing a game. He cheats to win, and will cheat at anything to get what he wants even if it means kicking another person under a bus, he'll do it. He seems to hate people of Asian decent. I've talked to another player who is from the Philipine Islands and he said Mr. Waibel also cheated in his game, but eventually lost. Im very happy to see that this member of the team he played had the time and guts to post what this man is doing. I'm surprised he has a daughter. The poor girl had to see her father make a fool of himself. I hope this greivance that was filed will teach him some lessons in life. But hearing what I have heard about him, I doubt it will. Tennis anyone??
Pros: Low down
Cons: Low down