Tobins Lake Studio Productions Incorporated in 1954 as a production company. Studio's produced special events for the automotive and trade show industries. This remains our primary business and we do it across North America. TLS Productions is a leader in Corporate Event lighting. Studio's / Productions has been doing automotive press and trade show events for over fifty years. Our business is a niche in an already very specialized industry. Unrelenting quality service and partnership is our constant objective. Up until 2000, Productions was a division inside Tobin's Lake Studios Inc. With additional stockholders, accountability and liability requirements, TLS Productions became its own entity in that year. Studios and Productions have had a continued continuity with Daniel Willoughby being the principal stockholder and CEO in both corporations. Our company is headquartered at 7030 Whitmore Lake Road, MI 48116 Brighton We have corporate representation in California, Wisconsin, Florida, Texas and Nevada.