I once had a case of basal cell carcinoma on my arm that required surgery for removal, so Dr Finesmith concern for looking for skin cancer is reassuring. But she also understands the desire for nice skin and does not get too zealous. Previously, a GP had repeatedly frozen a spot on my shin so zealously that 4 years later I still have a red 3/8"" diameter scar. It did not look that bad before... hardly visible. Dr Finesmith said that I should have had her look at it first because it probably wasn't dangerous. Now I save all dermatological questions for her and she gently freezes off new blemishes for me.
The doctor now does Botox and Restylane. When I am ready I will go to her because I trust her to be careful. Now if I could just get her to start doing facial peels!!
Pros: good listener, concerned w/o zealous, Botox and Restylane