Tony the Tiger is in a perfectly healthy condition with an enclosure much larger than any zoo or private sanctuary would typically give him, actually 4 times the size of the minimum requirements! He is fed top of the line zoo carnivore diet and is seen regularly by a veterinarian. His owner, Mr. Sandlin, loves him as a family member not a novelty or pet. Obviously by stating things about the ""cruelty"" or previous ""3 tigers removed"" the other review has no clue what it is talking about. As far as the noise or light again you have no clue. Neither of you have actually been to this truck stop just by those comments alone. How can you review a place you have false information about and have never been to? ""The feds cited them 10 times for animal abuse"" ... are u sure about that, the feds did it, really? Anyways, the point in a reviewer is to review something that you have been to, attended, seen with your own two eyes, etc. Clearly neither of you fall under any of those categories. There is nothing in the slightest wrong with The Tiger Truck Stop, the conditions of Tony the Tiger or Tony's owner Michael Sandlin. Speak about what you actually know, not what you think or what someone else has filled your head with!