I've been there many times and sometimes the food there is great sometimes it just terrible. But what i really should point out is that any time i go there it just simply reminds me that am black.Yesterday i was in there clearly the first in line at that time and a couple of seconds later there were about two other people behind me whow were white, the lady came up there and asked the people behind me if she could help them.Mind you i was right in front of the welcome desk and she skipped me and asked the other two people behind me and took thier orders then asked me what i wanted. Then i placed my order and was just sick that i went back to my car and sat there like 15 mins then came back stood in line the first person mind you the other peolpe behind me had alreday picked up thier food and left.So i was in the front desk waiting to pick up my order when a couple walked in (white) and the same thing happened with a different person not the lady but someother man.