This is like an old world sporting goods store without any of the push of big chain stores. I like it because I can walk in and always get a good pair of sneakers or hiking shoes at a very decent price. There is always something on a rack that's discounted. The store has a great assortment of baseball gear, yoga mats, winter gear, summer swim gear, snorkels, fins, boogie boards, and then some random fun toys near the register.
It also has a good selection of sunglasses and sports style wrist watches. The store is reasonably handicapped accesible in the sense that there's a big ramp right at the entrance, though the doors are not electric for folks with handicaps. The sections for footwear are stocked well for both mens and womens shoes. Usually upon entering the store and walking up the ramp there is a friendly store clerk that comes up fast to ask if one needs help. I've never been in the store and not been asked for help, which is nice. The clerks never tried to hard sell me into anything. I can go in, try on things and leave. I like this approach. it's got parking nearby in meters in Wellesley Public lots which also are not unreasonably priced. Essentially the store is a stone's throw from Route 9, or Route 16.
Check it out.