Don't get me wrong, I LOVE hole in the wall mexican restaurants. Something about numbers on the menu's and small brown crawling insects in the corners reassures me of the good mexican meal I will be inhaling. Three Amigo's is like that, except without the insects. It isn't the most authentic mexican food I've ever had...I feel like it is a little bit toned down in respect for the pallet, think Don Pablo's (RIP). There isn't anything wrong with that, even if it does seem a little bit toned down don't let the kids into the salsa without a quick sample. The food was good and the service was right there with it. The price won't leave you upset and you should leave fatter and happier than you were upon arrival. It is the kind of place that has already found quite a bit of success around the area and doesn't need much advertising due to the word of mouth advertising they get from the patrons. Which is not only the best advertisement, but also the greatest review. So if you haven't tried it already then give it a shot, I'm sure if it isn't too far and you already haven't sworn an oath of fealty to another local mexican restaurant you will be to this one.
Pros: Good Mexican food at a Good price...I mean what else do you want? Taco Bell?
Cons: Maybe more dirt for authenticity, perhaps some mariachis'?