Dallas Local Roofing Contractor for Residential Roofing and Commercial Roofing Dallas Roofing Contractors who will guarantee your re-roofing Homeowners and property managers find the roof they like, then have it installed as inexpensively as possible. Their roof is installed to meet a minimum specification. Then when a problem arises, they learn the hard way that not all roofing companies treat you the same. If being treated fairly and promptly are important to you when your roof needs replacement, you want Threadgills. Our website is designed to allow you to research shingles and warranty options before you even contact us. This pre-selection process saves time and provides our estimators and roof assistance specialists the information needed for your initial quote. When you re-roof with Threadgills, the roof is not just warrantied, the roof is Guaranteed. Re-roof with the best, Re-Roof with Threadgills Guaranteed Roofing.