Providing the best chiropractic care for the San Antonio, TX area.
Welcome to Thousand Oaks United Chiropractic The vast majority of the people in Thousand Oaks equate chiropractic care with back pain, but the circumstances under which the science was discovered actually had little to do with back pain. The first chiropractic adjustment was performed on a deaf man resulting in the restoration of his hearing. DD Palmer believed that many conditions could be addressed by removing pressure from the nerve that was involved with the affected area. He proceeded to make this his life s work, turning this belief into the science of chiropractic.. Back Pain Disc Bulges or Herniation Subluxations Muscular Sprains and Tendon or Ligament Strains Stress and Back Pain Migraines in Thousand Oaks Neck Pain in Thousand Oaks Sciatica in Thousand Oaks