Under the care of the National Parks Service, this bit of NYC history is well-maintained, staffed and shared. \r
The only way to see the upper rooms is by tour, which goes every hour, and lasts about 45 min. The guides all know their TR history, NYC area history and house history...excellent!\r
The ""gift shop,"" an area next to the cashier desk, has lots of additional reading/viewing materials on the Roosevelts, NYC, and other related topics...even a good selection for school-aged kids. Nice!\r
It was a rainy spring day, so that may be why it was a bit crowded, but this thinned out. I had time and took the tour twice...more info and questions to be absorbed and asked.....well done!
Pros: Knowledgeable, friendly staff, great tours, inexpensive
Cons: popular, so can be a bit crowded