OK, so the new owner is a Green Bay Packers fan and I'm from Chicago. I won't hold that against him. On my annual visit to stock up on firewood, I found a very energetic, engaging, and all around friendly person who treated me like a long lost friend. Apparently he traded in a suit , tie and corporate expense account for a job where he is the boss, firewood is the product, and he may only see some of his customers once a year. I would definetly recommend this place for a chance to meet Mr. Green Bay Packer.
Oh yeah, the wood is good too. I got the cleanest batch of Orange wood I ever got at the Woodshed in the past, and that will be the main reason I will return. (Possibly in Feb. if the weather ever gets cold enough for me to go through what I currently have now.)
Pros: Easy Access, great service.