This is the worst hospital in Houston. The World Health Organization recommends low risk practitioners cesarean rate to be around 3% and high risk practitioners cesarean rate to be around 10%....So why is the Women's hospital between 55-60%???? This hospital is nothing more than a bunch of shitty and/or selfish doctors who let their patients stay ill with conditions that are curable, so that they can ""save"" them with a cesarean ""because the mother and/or baby would have died otherwise""...blah, blah, blah... Bull s$%^!! You know doctors get like 2-3 times more money for giving cesareans, plus they get to be home in time for dinner.
You have no idea how many times I've heard that and then I've listened to the birth story and heard many fallacies to this. I know two people recently that have become victims of this hospitals and it's shitty doctors. One of them was prescribed to restrict her salt with toxemia. First of all there is no research that proves that salt restrictions helps with toxemia, it helps with other forms of high blood pressure, but not pregnancy induced, and second of all, salting to taste has been clinically shown to reduce blood pressure in pregnancy induced hypertension. That girl is going to end up getting worse and worse and then have to be ""saved"" with another cesarean. Another girl I know lost her mucous plug (at 34 weeks, it regenerates people) and her stupid doctor told her that that was the start of labor. (really?) She had an exam and was not dilated at all (gee, I wonder why) so they hooked her up to a monitor because ""she should have been dilating since she was in labor"" and they needed to check and then they had to save her with a cesarean. Where the hell are these doctors getting their license to practice medicine? In a f$%^ing Cracker Jacks box?