The Vapor Story
A while back a friend from work handed me a E-cig and said "here save your lungs", after two pulls I was hooked.
I ran home and told my best friend and now business partner about it and we were off , we both ordered complete set ups and a couple bottles of juice and quit smoking analogs which we were never able to do. I literally became a mad scientist with the juice; I've order from just about everywhere and tried just about every product out there. If you don't believe me come to the store I show you my tool box to prove it!
We set up this site and our store with hardware, juices and accessories that I not only trust but that I use. Anyone can call one a company and fill a store or website, We have searched and searched to bring you the very best E-Cigs and the best E-juices.
Whether it using six different vendors for flavors or ten different factories for hardware, we've gone as far as flying people in to make us juice recipes. We believe in everything we sell that is why you will never see every item out there on our site or in our store. We are sure you will feel the same way.
We are not only here to sell you products we are also here to walk you into the E-Cig world, we are always here to help.
Luke and Nick