Rich, with Sound Choice, is really good about taking the job and meeting your needs, but he can be really weak at getting it done on time. I really like the work he does, but if he schedules a certain time it might not actually be done then.
However, if there is any problem, he backs it up, so that is good. That is why rating him with numbers can be difficult. The work is great, and he can do it, but if he tells you Thursday it might not really be done Thursday. He has gotten better about that, but it depends on what he is doing.
I am happy with him; I keep going back because I like him. He does fantastic installs. He really does a good job, backs up problems, and gets back to me if there are issues. Sometimes it has more to do with the manufacturer. I have a GPS that keeps giving me trouble, and Rich continually works on it for me.
Ultimately my experience is that I like going there, I just wish I would get a more realistic time frame. He has really fair pricing, and is an honest person.
RESPONSE FROM Sound Choice Inc:
It is true as a smaller shop with a more limited inventory when we run into a problem with a part it really puts our clients and us in a bind. Electronics are becoming more affordable but in many respects it is at the detriment to the reliability of the product itself. We always strive for excellence and do our best to sell the most cost affordable products we can:)