Shooter's Depot has the newest range in town; you can shoot handguns and they have a new lane for rim-fire rifles now. The range isn't quite as nice as it could be however; the tables are a bit flimsy and the target hanging system is a bit awkward, but they get the job done. I think the membership fees are a bit pricey as well, and even with a premier membership had to limit my lane time to 30 minutes during a demo day, but I tried to be understanding.
The staff there has always been friendly and helpful with questions, and I've picked up a couple used handguns at good prices. The selection of accessories is thin with the exception of holsters, but it's a small shop and will probably grow with time.
Shooter's Depot is a huge improvement over some of the other indoor range options in Chattanooga, and it will probably get better with time.