If there was just one thing I could change about this place, it would be it's location. It's just far enough out of Portland proper that I can't get my non-Pit Stop friends to come hang out.... Other than that? PERFECT!\r
Great food, great people, fun atmosphere, and all the sports you want. They cover just about every major sports event. The staff makes you feel like an old friend. The drinks are fairly prices and the Karaoke rocks my mutha truck'n socks! I used to live across the street from this place and even though I had choices galore of where to spend my hard earned greenbacks, \r
I choose to spend them in the place where everybody knows your name, and they're always glad you came, Don't you want to be where you can see our troubles are all the same? You WANT to be where everybody knows your name..... \r
Trust me on this. If you're feeling funky, talk to Michelle, the Pit Stop party planner, she'll throw you a psychedelic funk'd out 70's party. Did you miss Prom because you were at that sweet KISS concert or home scrapbooking with gam-gam, just talk to Michelle, She'll throw you a Prom Night Party. Looking for an excuse to show off that mustache you had tattooed on the inside of your pointer finger because you went through a hipster phase and made some bad decisions? Well HELL! Talk to Michelle, she'll throw you a Mustache party! \r
My point is this people.... If your throat is parched, lips chapped, and voice is shot? Pass on that quickie mart, sail by freddy's, skip over those fast food joints..... \r
When you need a drink that's served with a smile and a wink, no place will treat you finer. When you want a bite that is down-right out of sight! You should have but one desire. Come watch your team kick butt on the big screen, while the karaoke sets the house on FIRE! Do like I do when I want to party with wreckless abandon, I stop in at the Pit Stop Bar and Grill on Canyon.\r
- El Capitan