I went to all of the retail piano stores in the area, checked out some craigslist ads, and The Piano Shoppe was my last stop. The owner is Bob Kimball who has years of experience with pianos. He knows them inside and out. Bob has a small, diverse selection of pianos. And I fell in love with one of them. The piano was over a decade old, but you would swear it was brand new if you saw and played it. When it came time to purchase, Bob was great to work with. He went out of his way to make sure I was satisfied with some minor issues that came up, plus he was willing to negotiate with me to meet me at a price I could afford. And he was kind and patient from the first moment I walked in the door. The beauty of working with Bob is he is also a piano tuner, so you get free tunings with your purchase. Delivery was also included! He's the only salesman in the store, and he's local so he's not going anywhere. And I plan to take advantage of his tuning services for as long as he's available! If you're looking for a piano, a tuner, or just have general questions about pianos, go to downtown Cary and visit Bob at the Piano Shoppe!