This apartment complex is government subsidized housing. In the three months that I lived there getting to sleep at night was difficult do to all the continuous traffic of bass blasting rap music all night every night. The local police know that this complex houses the not so best people and then literally sit at the stop light outside the complex on a very and I mean very regular basis. There were multiple shooting int the 3 months i lived there. There are lots of families with small children who live there and it really isn't as safe as this ""gated community"" would hope to be. I actually had an armed robbery occur at my apartment when two men WITH A KEY!!!!!! came into the apartment and robbed myself and my roommates at gun point. After this happened management was of very little to no help in getting the lease taken care of. It took them over a month to even come and change the lock on the door. How can that be a safe community. Needless to say I moved out the next day. It is well known around town that the Peaks is the hot spot for gangs and illicit sales. Oh yeah and the front gate to the complex was always broken...not that it didn't work...more that the gangs kept breaking the gate off to keep from hindering there own ""business"" traffic. Really its a sad place to live and I'm not giving it any stars.
Pros: nice looking apartments and very spacious
Cons: management is rude, gangs, illegal dealers everywhere,