I WOULD NEVER PLACE SOMEONE on 2nd floor skilled nursing. My husband went without much needed med for agitation/hallucination for approx 12-14 hours, first because they were waiting for the med to be delivered, then a nurse did not check the delivered meds. Hospice nurse came in only to find they in fact had the needed med the entire time (CAPITAL HOSPICE OF DAYTON IS AMAZING). He was on a 15 min. room check and was not to be out of bed, however he was continuously up walking around. Note posted to not have room temp above 63........room a constant 80-84. Did not correctly input/administer Hospices medicine orders/directives. For several days nursing staff was unable to figure out how to get into aide records for food intake/bowel movements. They had him dressed in clothes that were not his, with items of his missing. He broke his gold chain,,,,his gold cross can not be found after hospice personnel performed a diligent search.......hhmmm....perhaps walked off w/Oaks employee. No blanket, only sheet and old/thin bedspread. Call every 15 min for 2 hours before nurse would answer (every time).