I've had the same situation as the previous Guest's comments, except that I had Invisalign treatment done with Dr. Goodman. Thru out my whole invisalign treatment (up to date, seven months total), there was a lack of communication. When I pay for each visit, I don't expect for the expert (Dr. Goodman or the person designated to take over Invisalign cases) to take a whole hour to deliver my trays, but I do expect them to check on my progress and make sure that my buttons (attachments) are still intact.. Not once did this office did even just that. Every time that I had to reschedule appts b/c of last minute changes, I would call and the next appt would be 2+ weeks out b/c of their limited hours of operations. In my honest opinion, this office is very nice until I paid my dues for Invisalign... That was when everything went downhill. No one returned my phone calls, messages and email. I did go to another dentist to get the rest of my fillings done and compared prices, and Dr. Goodman was charging twice as much as my new dentist. As far as braces goes, with Invisalign and Clear Braces (if I get them to correct Dr. Goodman's mistakes), it would cost me about $6,000. Also, make sure you, as well as, the office are on the same page about payment plans. Sara initially said that they would work with me on payment plans, but just fill out an app for CareCredit just in case (which I thought was weird), so when I had my impressions done, my total was roughly about $4,000+ (Invisalign and fillings) and I didn't want to argue so I paid and went on about my business. Then, that was when my opinion and experiences changed with this office. There was once where I showed up for my appt, w/o my knowledge, to "talk," she didn't even have an exam room for me to deliver my trays and check my buttons. So that was a waste of my time from work. If her office can charge for not showing up for appts, I should ask for a refund on at least one appt that I had to take time off of work for. I was just fed up and not wanna deal with them.