You may not realize it, but your financial problems hurt every part of your life. And it's worse if it appears that things are not going to get better. * Are you overwhelmed by debt? * Are you being harassed by creditors? * Have you received a summons from a collection agency? * Have you exhausted your options and are looking for honest legal advice? When you have reached that point when your debts exceed your ability to pay and your prospects for an economic change do not appear likely, then it may be time to consider Bankruptcy. This may mean filing bankruptcy personally or for your company. Before you pay a credit counseling firm thousands of dollars to try and get a couple of debts reduced, talk with us. For a fraction of what the debt collectors charge, you might actually be able to wipe out all of your debts. If you are looking for that financial fresh start, please call us. We understand, and we will help you understand your options.