Cheryl McRae Faas, comes to the firm after practicing family law almost exclusively since graduating from law school in 1998. Born and raised in Vancouver, British Columbia, at 17 Cheryl moved to the states and then earned her Bachelors of Science in Business from ASU and her Law Degree from Willamette University College of Law in Salem, Oregon. Cheryl joins the firm after owning her own Oregon law firm and working for two other family law firms here in the east valley. Cheryl understands first hand how divorce can affect a family and the importance of preserving relationships and minimizing contention especially when children are involved. As a child of divorced parents, Cheryl can relate to the challenges that face her clients and is passionate about reaching the best possible outcome. Cheryl knows her clients rely on her to get them through what might be one of the most difficult times in their lives, and she takes that responsibility very seriously.