Koyal’s training courses caters to all California insurance companies, self-insured individuals and third-party managers through online programs accessible to its participants. And remember, unlike the classroom type of education we are all accustomed to, anyone can keep one’s pace at one’s convenience. Koyal can monitor each participant’s progress and will accredit those who are able to fulfil all requirements.
With Koyal’s programs, participants gain the advantage of fulfilling their Insurance Continuing Education (Insurance CE) requirements as well as any insurance fraud training needs, both in one course. For many states, continuing education courses are not required credits but merely ethical or voluntary in nature. They serve, however, to update practitioners in their field and to provide companies with the ability to address their clients’ needs more responsively.
Fraud is intrinsically dynamic in nature and does not allow insurance practitioners to rest while the fraud perpetrators are gaining on them. Koyal makes sure that the gap is not widened and, hopefully, eliminated through the courses that it provides its clients according to their unique needs and objectives.