This school is not for everyone... This is an Asian-style drilling-based school far from personal learning plans or teachers' flexibility or understanding! Though that is what I was promised when enrolling my child there! They disregard developmental milestones of young children. Children are so busy studying at age 4 all day there is no time for creative play! It is scientifically proven that children up till age 6 learn well and better by/ through playing!!! This school is very popular among Asian population of Sugar Land, TX and those parents who are dreaming of their little ones to be little Einsteins and entering Harvard! The school focuses on results forgetting what methods they are using to achieve that! Repetition, repetition until the child won't think about what he is doing and it will become automatic. My child is a very quick learner. He doesn't need to repeat the same things for a very very long time to understand! Their teachers do not have Bachelor's Degrees in Early Childhood Education. That is a good sign! From my observation their 1st Graders are practicing simple additions like 7+9 or 18+12. My child is able to do that at age 4 and my requests to challenge him with that were simply ignored by his teacher. Parents get blinded by school administration promises and I don't think they even pick their noses into what's going on. For most of them, lots of homework is a sign of a good education. Is it?