This store is not only the most disorganized of the local chain, but the staff is mostly unhelpful, and basically can't be bothered. The many times I frequented this store(only because it was handy for a quick pick up) I can count the times I actually found an employee that cared.
My last visit (last week) will be my last. I was trying to purchase a $10.00 dollar plant and after waiting in the long line at the garden center, was told I could not use my credit card unless I had a picture ID! I explained that I do not have a license and was not prepared to bring a passport to buy a plant! The added insult to this is that I purchased an several items in the previous 2 weeks adding to a couple of hundred dollars and was asked for no such ID as I used my credit card.
The employee was rude, told me she was "done with me" and "not talking to me" because I was explaining my case. I asked for the then attending manager, who did not walk over to me, bud in a loud voice about 10 feet away said "no picure ID? WHat do you mean you have no photo ID??" I was made to feel like I was some criminal simply to buy a $10.00 dollar plant!! The only remedy he had was to walk over to the self help registers where he said i didnt need a photo id.Of course, that made alot of sense, so a criminal could use that register and get away with it. Idiot.
After waiting in that long line, waiting in another long line was not appealing, not only was this manager condescending to me, but frankly didn't care what I was feeling.
I am assuming they must have quite a theft rate at that store to act this way,not to mention the caliber of employees they hire. As a side note, reported this event to their "customer care" number, and never got a call back. Don't waste your time, they don't care. I think I will just go the extra few miles out of Boston and shop at the Natick Home Depot where the store seems in much better shape, and employees seem to know how to talk to customers.