This store is the pits. The few personnel that still remain with the store are rotated out of this store like a revolving door. Management refuses to take back merchandise that does not appear on a credit card record that is accessable by their registers if you do not have a receipt. Their lookback period is fairly short although they cannot tell you how long. Pristine merchandise that could not possibly be anyone elses but theirs and like an elephant, is too large to have been shoplifted, they still refuse to take back if you do not have a receipt or if they cannot find it in their computer. My suggestion is to go to a store that is customer friendly like Lowes or Menards. They will make a refund without the hassle of a receipt as long as the merchandise is saleable and if they still stock it. They monitor returns so that excessive returns are flagged. That is a reasonable policy. If you purchase a lot of items and don't return what you don't use right away, Home Depot is not your pla