Yes, it is important to support your local business. Yes, it is nice to see fabulous imports.
But when the idea of unique gets majorly jacked up in price, you feel cheated and that is exactly what this store is like. The other review of this store is extremely correct: the owner rips people off price wise. This is a store that I would look at as a last resort for trying to find something 'unique'. Better yet if you go in there, just find the company of the products you like and do a google search and see if you can find them elsewhere for much cheaper, and it is almost a guarantee that you will.
Rumours abound (from what I have heard) allegedly that the reason why the employee turnover is so high here, is because the owner is constantly fighting off her creditors and has at times been unable to pay her employees with money, but offers them trade of in store items instead (how can an ugly caftan pay the rent is a question I have wondered over the years). I imagine what money is made is so the owner can travel on supposed business trips to sunny locations to keep up her tan (have you seen how leathery she looks? Like an old Coach bag)
The other review is correct about the prices. I have completely felt cheated a couple of times buying jewelry or other little items at her store, only to find them a couple doors down for much less (must be jacking up the prices to break even). I wouldn't support a business where an owner knows in their heart that they are overcharging their customers. Plus so many of the clothing options have no shape, and look terrible that I can see why the idea of Dorothy from the Golden Girls was brought up. The owner needs to wake up and realize that it isn't 1984 anymore.
Try import stores in other cities, you will be better blessed in gifts and choice, as this store is collecting dust.