Sick of paying retail for your multi media entertainment? Remember vinyl records?
A stop at The Exchange is usually worth the trip if you're on your way to pay retail at a chain store for that latest dvd collection. Sometimes they have it, sometimes they don't. But it will most likely be cheaper than most other places if they do. I say this with some hesitance, as I've found recently that some items are only 1 or 2 dollars cheaper than at say Best Buy. Why would I buy used when I could get new for not a whole lot more? At any rate, be sure to know your prices before you think you've found a great deal here.
One plus, they usually have a bin full of cheesey old vinyl, and cheap. I always find something fun to put the needle to.
The major drawback is this: all of the cases are locked. In order to get a look at anything (save for the vinyl), a sales person needs to open the cabinet. I find this to be seriously annoying. I know it's to cut down on theft and whatnot, but please - treat your customers like they are just that, customers. Not strangers coming to paw at your private collection. I will say that the staff is always at the ready to open a cabinet for you, but it still irks me.