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The Classmate Ltd.
The Classmate Ltd, located in Evergreen Park, IL, is your source for educational supply and school material needs! Whether you are a parent, teacher or student, we have what you are looking for. Open every day of the week, our catalog includes over 8,000 educational toys, games and materials! We specialize in educational supplies for grades pre-K to middle school.Our inventory includes:• School supplies and materials• Bulletin board supplies• Children's books• Teacher supplies• Teacher resources• Educational furniture and equipmentThe Classmate Ltd features materials and supplies for homeschooling, special needs and multilingual education. We also have a large selection of infant and toddler materials, educational games and constructive and creative play-time materials.Call today about our hours and inventory!. Educational Toys|Textbooks|Writing Instruments|Chalkboards|School Furniture|Maps & Globes