Right off the 10 Towards Indo, exit off Hargrave and turn left on the offramp then a right on hargrave (at the light). Located 5 bulidings down on the right.
The Cart Guy
Since 1990, The Cart Guy has been providing Southern California with quality golf and utility vehicles. We give attention to detail and the ability to provide custom built golf and utility vehicles for home, work or play. This attention separates us from the competition. If you are interested in purchasing a New, Refurbished, or Used golf cart or even a utility vehicle for the golf industry or recreation, then contact The Cart Guy today! We offer good value for your trade-in. We have a large selection of vehicles on hand to fit your every need and budget. The Cart Guy also has a complete fleet of rental carts for your next event. Our repair technicians are trained in the repair of Yamaha, Club Car and EZ-GO golf and utility vehicles. . Club Car EZ go