Patient Requested Lab Services: While lab tests should never replace an exam by a physician, they can be useful for detecting and monitoring medical conditions. At Longmont United Hospital, we offer patient requested lab services for your convenience and as money saving strategy. Please keep in mind, all Patient Requested Lab Services must be paid at time of service and are not eligible for processing through health insurance..
Health Profiles Offered,Pricing
Blood Counts or Anemia Check
Blood Count $20
Folate $30
Iron Panel $45
Vitamin B12 $30
Ferritin* $30
Blood Typing (ABO/Rh) $35
Coumadin Monitoring (PT) $20
Diabetes Testing
Glucose* $15
Hemoglobin A1C $25
Endocrinology (Hormone) Screenings
Testosterone Free & Total $45
Testosterone Total $30
Progesterone $30
Estradiol/Estrogen $30
FSH $30
LH $30
Prolactin $30
General Health Panel $75
CBC,CMP,TSH,Lipid Panel
General Health Testing
Basic Metabolic Panel $25
Comprehensive Metabolic $30
Electrolytes (Lytes) $20
Gout and Arthritis Screenings
Uric Acid $30
Rheumatoid Factor $30
ANA Screen $50
Health Plus Profile $125
General Health,CRP,Homocysteine
Heart Disease Testing
Lipid Panel* $35
Cardio CRP $35
Homocysteine $35
Heart Health Profile $75
Lipid Panel,CRP,Homocysteine
Heparin Monitoring (PTT) $20
Inflammation Screening Tests
C-Reative Protein $20
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate $15
Kidney Function Screenings
Renal Function Panel $25
Creatinine $15
Urinalysis $20
Liver Function Tests
Liver Function Panel $25
Bilirubin $15
Mononucleosis Test $20
Pre-Employment/ Immunization Testing
Rubeola(Measles) $20
Mumps $20
Rubella $20
Varicella (Chicken Pox) $20
Pregnancy Test $20
Prostate Screening (PSA) $40
Strep Throat Screen $40
Thyroid Screening
TSH $35
Free T4 $25
Free T3 $25
Urine Drug Screen $50
Vitamin D (D2,D3) $50
*Fasting Recommended