Before I say anything else, I must tell everyone if you want to eat here, you must call ahead!! When I go there, I typically call ahead about 2 hours in advance; usually we aren't even hungry when we call! :) It is really great food. They make all of thier sides at the restaurant. They have great salads, rice, green beans, mashed potatoes, and just about anything you could think of. They have a wide menu including ribs, hamburgers, chicken fingers, pork chops, steaks, grilled chicken, BBQ chicken, and the whole 9 yards! I must say I have never tried their appetizers because they bring you unlimited dinner rolls with a honey cinnamon butter that is to die for! It is so great, and you could probably fill up completely on their rolls. About every 30 minutes the restaurant fills with their employees doing country line dancing which is pretty entertaining! I would recommend this restaurant, but be prepared for a long wait if you do not call ahead!