Doctors of chiropractic focus on the nervous system and musculoskeletal system in order to treat conditions and diseases, while allowing the body to function in a normal manner again. Chiropractors do not recommend the use of surgeries or drugs as healing methods; therefore, they treat their patients with a very hands-on approach. We are ready for your first visit and anxious to put you on the path to feeling better today! Chiropractors utilize countless techniques; however, a manual adjustment, or spinal adjustment, is the most commonly used in chiropractic. When the spinal manipulation procedure is used by the chiropractor, mobility is restored to an immobile joint via an applied controlled force. Even though it may seem as though this sort of force from a chiropractic adjustment would cause pain, in all actuality, it rarely does. The net result of these chiropractic adjustments is a dramatic improvement in pain reduction.