Established in 1977 in ANN arbor. Mich. . Terrafirma a FULL-SERVICE residential and commercial landscape Company. It focuses basement waterproofing. Drainage and home remodeling. The Company'S design and planning services include architectural services. Computer aided designs and cost estimates for budgeting and financing. Terrafirma Inc. Also offers installation and maintenance service. Such AS site grading. Lawn establishment plant. Tree installation horticultural maintenance programs and lawn mowing. Snow removal. Construction of interior spaces. Kitchens. Baths and home theaters are a FEW of other services of Terrafirma Inc. It has received numerous awards from the michigan and nursery landscape association.
Lawn Sprinkler Systems, Financing Available, Wood Decks & Timber Walls, Waterproofing, Waterfalls, Storm Water Drainage Systems, Spring Start-Ups, Site Excavation & Grading, Pond Aeration Systems, Hydroseeding