This was my first & last lease from Big Apple VW. Well, to start with, it's the kind of place where you have to stand at the service counter and wait until the ladies that work there finish their personal conversations. Then, maybe, just maybe you can get their attention and they may acknowledge you. Then, apparently, nothing is covered under the warranty, even if it's in writing in the warranty. Automatic answer : it's your own fault- so just don't ask, you'll only irritate them. Try their $300 oil change. The people that work there all suck and shouldn't be interfacing with the public. To the counter people, the guy who jockies the cars, the service manager, the mechanics: F.U. all. Nasty, unhelpful, cold.
I am in sales myself and would never give anyone a bad review that didn't deserve it, and oh boy, do they deserve it.